About Us

Launched December 31st, 2012, American Trench was founded to bring forward the exceptional manufacturing that exists within the United States. A trench coat purchased in London in 2009 inspired a three year quest to bring our first product to market – the American Trench.  

Exposure to new factories during this journey expanded our mission beyond outerwear to include USA made socks, knit accessories, and apparel.  

The principles that guide American Trench and define our brand can be stated very concisely.  Here are five things we believe:

  1. Make beautiful products. Without beauty there is no product.
  2. Create products of enduring value using quality materials and superior construction.
  3. Strive for Resonance in everything we do.  Products that have resonance come from focus, attention to detail, and the quest for perfection.
  4. Never be complacent with design. The next iteration must be better.  
  5. Everything we make will be manufactured in the USA. With determination it can be done.


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